Night front attachments
Night attachments for day optical devices
Different applications
The scheme of mounting night vision attachment in front of the objective lens of the day rifle scope(the third way) meets professional requirements at the best. In comparison with the previous devices, the use of night vision objective lens of high aperture in the attachments makes it possible to avoid losses of light. The attachments Dedal-541, -542, -543, -580 are mounted in front of the rifl escope on special weaver mount on the rifl e. Low weight of the attachments Dedal-541, -542, -543 permits to mount them exactly on the objective lens of a day rifl escope through the annular clip adaptor. The scheme that uses night attachments provides better image, greater range of observation and recognition in comparison with the universal devices day/night and night vision devices behind the eyepiece of a day rifl escope. Night attachments incommutably provide zero point of hit, preserve all the tactical
possibilities of the day rifl escope, habitual eye relief, small height of optical axis of the device from the
bore line. All this signifi cantly raises convenience of use of night attachments as a whole.